Babies are born with compassion and sense of justice, studies say
Research on the morality of infants is taking off, much of it driven by Canadian scientists
Research on the morality of infants is taking off, much of it driven by Canadian scientists
Public seed breeding, financed by governments, has collapsed in Canada after generations of innovation
Despite doctors’ urgings, growing numbers of Canadian parents refuse to vaccinate their children. Who should be calling the shots?
Science is blurring the lines between humans and other species. Maybe we're not the pinnacle of Creation after all
It's going to be called the Anthropocene, or "the new age of man," and will be laid down in Earth's crust forever
Watching the stars above the Atacama Desert blurs the line between the heavens and Earth; a feeling of infinite possibility takes over
Human Rights
The pipeline that ruptured carried oil from the Alberta tar sands and people who got sick now want answers
He says the main way God communicates with us today is not through ancient texts but scientific evidence, cross-cultural evidence and historic evidence
Singing can lift depression, lower stress levels and spike the "feel good" chemical responsible for the afterglow of sex
Empathy isn't just a force of the human spirit. It's hard-wired in our genetic code, researchers are discovering