United Church minister Rob Oliphant trades pulpit for House seat
He tells The Observer his faith forms his politics, but that he consults his constituents before his Bible
He tells The Observer his faith forms his politics, but that he consults his constituents before his Bible
He says that the essence of literature is our shared humanity. The core of emotional truth is the same across time, space and other divides
Cate Dewey, a professor of veterinary science at the University of Guelph, was in Kenya on a research trip when she noticed many children were not going to school. She came up with a program on the spot
UCC in Focus
Those values are measured by money and numbers, but the United Church doesn't have a big disciple-factory out by the highway
He had to keep secret the fact that he is gay while he was a captive, and says even now he and others face homophobia
UCC in Focus
Susan Ferguson says Canada is going to start getting a wave of people fleeing the Iraqi war and that congregations may want to sponsor families
Rev. Ambury Stuart says Canadians are showing a stronger commitment to ecological responsibility
He wants a strengthened faculty to be a vibrant part of the university's intellectual discussion and debate now that religion has become so central to politics
The World Council of Churches has called for reparation for churches' roles in failing to take a strong enough stand against enslavement. That means affirming the humanity of all people
That system of domination, also known as "empire," leads ordinary people to be complicit through their role as consumers, says Omega Bula, who wrote a report about it for General Council