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Everything you ever wanted to know about pre-authorized remittance

It's an easy way to give regularly without having to worry about too much paperwork


It may sound like a mouthful, but pre-authorized remittance (PAR) is simply a form of giving where a monthly amount is automatically deducted from your bank account to support your church, with gifts to your local congregation, Mission & Service or your fund in the Foundation. You’re probably already doing this for monthly bills, and PAR works the same way to support your congregational giving.

You control how much you are giving and where it goes.

For example, you could give half to your local church and half to Mission & Service. Giving to Mission & Service supports people living in poverty around the world, helps train ministers, and supports Indigenous Canadian ministries, among a long list of other things. Giving to your local church through PAR provides a dependable stream of income that the church can count on every month.

PAR is an easy way to give regularly without having to worry about too much paperwork. It simplifies things if you are not always able to attend church every week. You make the decision once, until you want to make another change.

You may already be signed up for PAR, but it never hurts to take stock and renew the amount. You might consider increasing it if your ability to give increases. You can also change where it’s going, because with PAR, you’re always in the driver’s seat.

Even if you don’t have a congregation, you can use PAR to contribute to Mission & Service. Simply connect with the PAR administrator at for further details.

The PAR administrator or your church treasurer can also help review your monthly giving and adjust how much and where it’s going at any time, upon your instructions. For more on this unique way to give regularly, visit our PAR information page.


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