Philip Cote’s mural fills the north alcove of Roncesvalles United in Toronto. (Photo: Andrew Faiz)

Topics: April/May 2022, UCC in Focus | Indigenous

Indigenous mural changes the narrative in Toronto church

Artist Philip Cote has placed Turtle Island underneath the stained glass window's Christian images


A large mural of the Ojibwe Algonquin people’s creation story was unveiled at Toronto’s Roncesvalles United in March. Created by the renowned Indigenous artist Philip Cote, the colourful painting fills the north alcove. It completely surrounds a stained glass window depicting various biblical themes. 

In 2020, Cote was invited by Rev. Anne Hines of Roncesvalles United to paint “anywhere he chose and anything he chose.” 

In an artist statement, Cote says, “The mural is a visual story of our beginning. It’s the first of its kind in a church. This is how the narrative is going to change. Our story needs to be inside all institutions and across the country.”

Hines couldn’t agree more. “What is evolving is changing the narrative of this space, from fortress walls and big cathedral church and patriarchy, to the roots of church, which is service to community. And love that looks like everything.”

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Roncesvalles United’s journey toward this mural began with congregation member Linda Pleet. “History wasn’t taught with Indigenous people included, or if they were included, it wasn’t a true picture of what was going on. I just wanted to learn.” 

Her curiosity led to the formation of the congregation’s Indigenous relations group in May 2018, and it held several information sessions during worship. The pandemic put the plans for the mural on hold. Cote started painting the walls last October. 

Cote has placed Turtle Island, on whose back the whole universe rests, underneath the stained glass window’s Christian images. The painting, in vibrant colours, has a kinetic energy. There is constant movement as the story of creation, from Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun to the first family, unfolds. 

“It’s a beautiful melding,” says Hines. “There’s such an open-hearted graciousness in that. This has freed me to be able to see these sacred stories with our sacred stories, and they are equally meaningful.”

Other murals by Cote can be seen around Toronto, including on Roncesvalles Avenue. 


Andrew Faiz is a writer and editor. He lives in Toronto. This story first appeared in Broadview’s April/May 2022 issue.

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  • says:

    I'm finding that indigenous culture is much more in tune with God and nature and the natural flow of life-giving energy than Christianity. Each culture has its creation story and since the indigenous peoples were here before the Europeans, why shouldn't their creation story and their spirituality be accepted? Seems to make sense to me. For too long Christians have thought that their religion is, somehow, the "right" religion and they set off to convert the world. Ours is merely one among many. Over the years I have become more spiritual and less religious. It just makes more sense to me. And now I am able to accept other paths and ideas.

  • says:

    This visual depiction with the inverted 666, demonstrates to me that wars never finish, all through time. That is why we have to find our own peace following the teaching of Jesus through God's grace. Out of the mountains of evidence, John provided plenty of reasons to believe in Jesus. Worshipping the land has been the reason for all people to fight wars throughout time immemorial. It is happening everywhere in the world today. Worship God the father almighty. Psalm 91:1-2. He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.