Keith Reynolds
Rev. Keith Reynolds is a minister at Avondale United in Stratford, Ont. He has been involved with L'Arche for 27 years.
Rev. Keith Reynolds is a minister at Avondale United in Stratford, Ont. He has been involved with L'Arche for 27 years.
Topics: Spirituality | Religion
In a world full of uncertainty, a Thomas Merton prayer helps us see how faith becomes action
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This Easter, resurrection came for me with wounds made whole by the journey
Topics: Ethical Living | Opinion
The writer reflects on his friendship with Linda, who he lived with at L'Arche Daybreak many years ago
Topics: UCC in Focus | Society
For 28 years in Stratford, Ont., swans have paraded through the streets on the first weekend of April, waddling from their winter pens to the banks of the Avon River.
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