Aug. 1 is Emancipation Day. It marks the day in 1834 that the act abolishing slavery in most British colonies, including Canada, took effect. Ontario has recognized Emancipation Day since 2008, and the Senate did the same 10 years later. Still, advocates are calling for the day to be a national public holiday, and Liberal MP Majid Jowhari introduced a motion in the House of Commons to have Aug. 1 officially designated Emancipation Day.
This year, Broadview is recognizing the day by elevating Black voices and celebrating Black history and art. Read on for a selection of stories from our web archives:
Feature: Wilbur Howard and the white church

This feature takes a deep dive into the life and career of the United Church’s first Black moderator.
From the story: “Howard’s accomplishments over his years in the church do not erase the systemic nature of the racism that limited his possibilities. Similarly, his decision to remain silent on the racism he faced does not diminish its reality.” Read more
List: 6 Black Canadian icons we all need to celebrate

While many Canadians know about Black American icons like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., our own Black history is largely unrecognized. Everyone can learn and take inspiration from these African Canadians who remain pillars of our national history. Read the full list
Opinion: What I need from white people right now

Adele Halliday’s powerful column, written shortly after the killing of George Floyd, provides a toolkit for allies.
From the column: “Maybe you’re tired of seeing news articles about anti-Black racism. I’m tired of living with it. And I don’t get to opt out of the reality of racial injustice. To support me, and other people in the Black community, do not opt out of action either.” Read more
In photos: Yung Yemi’s work shows powerful Black role models

The artist’s stunning images evoke a future that is strong and self-aware. View more.
Review: Desmond Cole presents snapshot of Black resistance in new book

Desmond Cole’s The Skin We’re In was recommended before protests began in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Now it’s a must-read.
From the review: “The Skin We’re In is bound to become a staple of Canadian writing at large, and of Black Canadian writing more specifically. Cole writes about events so close we remember seeing them on our social media timelines, moments so real they are still palpable — there’s no hiding behind the veil of values from times past.” Read more
Aleysha Haniff is Broadview’s assistant digital editor.
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