A child covered in dust is carrying another smaller child covered in dust. The younger child is wearing a dirty white tank top and black shorts. They both have curly brown hair that is covered in dust. In the background are adults including one woman in a black hijab.
Palestinian children wounded in the Israeli bombardment on a residential building in Bureij refugee camp, are brought to al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, late Tuesday, June 4, 2024. ADD some additional context here from our story (Photo: Saher Alghorra/Associated Press via CP)

Topics: Justice, October/November 2024 | Church News

United Church to consider naming Israel’s actions “apartheid”

Next month, the denomination's General Council will discuss joining a campaign that strongly condemns Israel's treatment of Palestinians


Should the United Church join a growing chorus of organizations naming Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid? That’s a question commissioners to the General Council recall meeting on Oct. 19 will have to consider — and not for the first time.

Two years ago, at an online meeting, General Council deferred voting on several proposals (previously adopted by five regions) that would have named Israel as an apartheid state. An online meeting of the General Council Executive (GCE) last May similarly deferred a proposal to join the Apartheid Free Communities network, a group that views Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid.

“The reality is that apartheid is still a lightning rod for us,” says general secretary Rev. Michael Blair. The Executive recognizes the situation in Gaza is urgent, he adds, but “most of what the apartheid-free thing is [addressing], we are working on.”

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The network is a coalition of North American faith communities brought together by the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers). Members include the United Church of Christ
(USA), which is in full communion with The United Church of Canada. Signatories to the coalition pledge to take several actions, including to “join others in working to end all support to Israel’s apartheid regime, settler colonialism, and military occupation.”

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The proposal from last May also asked the GCE to promote discussion in congregations on Palestine-Israel. Keith Simmonds, a diaconal minister in Kelowna, B.C., and commissioner to the 44th General Council, brought the proposal to the Executive. According to Blair, much of the discussion around it related to whether an individual commissioner should be able to forward a proposal directly without having to go through a pastoral charge or regional council. The decision on joining the campaign, however, will go to the October recall meeting of General Council.


Mike Milne is a journalist in Owen Sound, Ont.

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  • says:

    Apartheid? Really?
    Question: What would a person do to protect his family if he were told by the community that the community was going to wipe his family off the face of the earth? He would have no choice but to fight. This is the world in which Israel exists. It is surrounded by enemies. For some reason anti Semitism has always existed and continues to exist. I don't know why. And for some reason the western news media continues to believe Hamas propaganda. In war people die. It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is literally a death cult that hides behind civilians to to their dirty work. Israel must fight and we must support her. War is not pretty but as long as we have those who choose to oppress others, as in the case of Hamas, there is often no choice. Peace only comes by way of reasonable people. When people's ideas are warped by whatever reason, all they understand is violence. That's what Hamas understands.