Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, spoke directly to U.S. President Donald Trump during the inaugural prayer service on Jan. 21, 2025.

Topics: Justice | Politics

Readers respond to Mariann Budde’s powerful plea to Trump

After her call for mercy went viral, we asked readers what role faith communities should play in confronting hate


Last week, during the inaugural prayer service, Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde had the courage to say to U.S. President Donald Trump what so many have been thinking but unable to express. She urged him to consider the impact of his policies and campaign promises on 2SLGBTQ+ people and migrants—to have mercy.

We asked for your thoughts on her viral sermon, and what role faith communities should play in pushing back against hate. Here’s what you had to say.

These opinions are those of our readers and not necessarily shared by Broadview. The responses have also been lightly edited for clarity.


“The heart of Christianity—and Jesus’ message—is to love our neighbour. That means being inclusive, supportive, and compassionate. Jesus spoke out against intolerance and embraced those on the margins. As his followers, we are called to do the same. He never promised it would be easy; in fact, he warned there would be a cost. I have no doubt the bishop expected backlash, but I hope she also feels the support of those who truly seek to follow Jesus.”

          —Kristine Greenaway, Toronto

“It seems that a lot of people have found hope in the way Rt. Rev. Budde stood up to Trump and his philosophy of hatred. I prayed that God would continue to grant Bishop Budde strength and courage.”

          —Rev. Cora Krommenhoek, Fredericton, N.B.

“I deeply appreciated her sermon and am troubled that she was attacked by Trump and his followers simply for calling for kindness and mercy. While I strongly dislike Trump, I find the actions of his followers even more concerning.”

          —Jim Kenney, East Hawkesbury, Ont.

“Bishop Budde’s video going viral marked a turning point for many. I believe it will inspire more people to speak out. As a community of faith, we have learned that we cannot stay silent. It’s time to find our voices.”

           —Jean Smith, Amherst, N.S.

“I was so impressed by the bravery it took to speak gently yet clearly to Trump, the attendees at the church service, and the large audience watching online. It felt like the start of a broader pushback against the incoming U.S. president’s plans—one that will hopefully grow in the weeks and months ahead. Bless her for her thoughtful words, and may they inspire others to act with integrity and mercy in the years to come.”

          —Lorraine Gentleman, Shelburne, Ont.

“Mariann Budde’s sermon was an eloquent and respectful example of speaking truth to power. I especially appreciated her emphasis on unity—how we must first lay the groundwork for it before making any heartfelt appeals, as she did with Trump.

That said, I’m concerned about how much attention Canadians and our media are giving to Trump and his administration. While some focus is warranted, we are not Americans. We should prioritize the challenges we face here in Canada—issues we can actually address with real solutions.

Millions of Canadians are living in unacceptable conditions, forced to rely on food banks and endure substandard housing. We are also falling short in our efforts to combat climate change. Yet, these critical issues receive nowhere near the attention they deserve. It’s time to focus on doing justice in our own backyard.”

          —Murray MacAdam, Peterborough, Ont

“I thought I was an Atheist, but apparently I’m an Episcopalian.”

          —Anne Baker, Saint John, N.B.

“This was an outstanding example of how the contemporary church should respond to unacceptable behaviour and beliefs of political leaders. Church and State remain separate: This was not a call for church-controlled political activity. Rather, the sermon called on the U.S. administration, and the President in particular, to show compassion and mercy — core ideas of the Christian faith to which Trump himself claims to follow.

This example should embolden other faith leaders to speak out to politicians when needed.”

        —Duncan Etches, Vancouver

“Bishop Budde gave voice to what so many of us have thought, but felt powerless to express. I pray that Trump truly heard her words, but I have my doubts—his ego seems to block any real reflection. All the fear and discourse surrounding him only seem to fuel it.

May God guide our leaders not to react in fear but to follow the path He sets before them. May peace prevail.”

          —Betty Chenoweth, Vernon, B.C.

“Trump’s response reminded me that the moral arc of the universe may bend toward justice, but that arc is long. When we cannot see its end, we need to maintain hope in a God who promises to transform all injustice to justice. And in that hope, we must continue to live on earth as in heaven. To live in just ways with people we know. And to build just relationships with people who live on the outskirts of our communities.”

          —Aimee Patterson, Winnipeg

“Christians need to stand firm against those who hold power to destroy the lives of others. In this case, the voice from the pulpit is not political, but of pastoral concern, educating and equipping followers of Jesus to speak the truth and embody love, even if it goes against the political position of the day. Bishop Budde is a leader to be emulated.”

        —Rev. Arthur D. Turnbull, Abbotsford B.C.

“I applaud the Bishop for her courage to say what is right. I wish more preachers shared her conviction to speak truth to power. Clergy have a responsibility to stand up and not be afraid in the pulpit. It feels as though North America is slipping toward the least common denominator—as if that’s acceptable. But it’s not. We are called to a higher standard, one set by Jesus, who brought the good news of hope, peace, joy, and love. Now, more than ever, people must find the courage to do what is right and speak out against injustice.”

          —Dianne Hill, Dartmouth N.S.

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  • says:

    Bishop Budde's words addressed to Donald Trump was exactly what needed to be said to the newly inaugurated president. I applaud her courage and long to hear many more similar sentiments expressed in letters to the editor of all major newswpapers. Trump and his sentiments are completely the opposite of all that Christianity teaches and should practise. Good for Bishop Budde.
    May her tribe increase.
    Don Linkletter