John Ryerson is the former director of culture for the City of Markham, Ont., and now a social justice advocate who attends Fairlawn Avenue United in Toronto. (Courtesy photo)

Topics: Justice | Broadview Fundraising

One donor on why Broadview’s work matters to him

John Ryerson wants to protect progressive journalism


Broadview has never been more necessary. That’s how supporter John Ryerson sums up why he donates. A self-described “social justice and democracy activist,” Ryerson is retired from work as the director of culture for the City of Markham, Ont., and is now active in the social justice work of Fairlawn Avenue United Church in Toronto.

Broadview is what Canada needs right now. We need to protect progressive media. With attacks on democracy in Canada, rage politics and fear of the other, we need Broadview’s perspective,” explains Ryerson in an interview.

“There’s a lot of misinformation and disinformation in Canadian discourse fuelled by social media. I am deeply concerned. There’s a very polarizing, selfish message out there. We need to share a caring message, a hopeful story and a progressive perspective. That’s what Broadview does,” he says.

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Throughout the month of May, we will be asking you to help protect inspired journalism.

It is urgent.

Over 25 million Canadians report having a religious outlook on life. But their perspectives are largely ignored by mainstream media. We know that faith groups contribute enormously to Canadian society and that progressive spiritual groups bring critical perspectives to the most pressing issues of our day. In a time when anyone can spread lies to thousands with a single click, high-quality, fact-checked journalism is critical. 

Broadview is the only magazine in Canada dedicated to sharing progressive, faith-based perspectives on issues that affect Canadians. 

We can’t do what we do without your help. Why? The price of the magazine doesn’t cover the cost of producing it. In fact, it’s only because of faithful donors like you that we are able to continue to keep award-winning journalism accessible. 

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Other revenue sources, like advertising, are declining. That’s true across the magazine industry, but it’s particularly difficult for Broadview. Despite having such a critical message, we’ve found that as a progressive faith-based publication, it can be challenging to attract secular advertisers and even traditional Christian advertisers. At the same time, our costs are skyrocketing.

You can make a difference. When you make a gift to Broadview this May, your gift will be matched up to $40,000 thanks to a very generous donor. There’s no better time to double your impact. We are at a critical time in the life of our magazine and in our country. “Broadview is more than a magazine,” Ryerson says, his voice ringing with conviction. “It’s a non-profit devoted to building unity, ensuring that the stories of those most vulnerable are told and that progressive Christian perspectives receive the coverage they deserve and that Canadians need. We need to protect it.”


Rev. Trisha Elliott is Broadview’s Director of Development. You can reach her at or by calling 1-416-960-8500, ext. 231.

This story first appeared in Broadview’s April/May 2023 issue with the title “Protecting Inspired Journalism—What motivates John Ryerson to give.”

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Our team is working hard to bring you more independent, award-winning journalism. But Broadview is a nonprofit and these are tough times for magazines. Please consider supporting our work. There are a number of ways to do so:

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Thank you for being such wonderful readers.

Jocelyn Bell



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