St. Stephen’s on-the-Hill United Church (SSOTH), an active, progressive, intergenerational congregation in Lorne Park, seeks a full-time ordained minister to lead our faith community in fulfilling its broad mission both “On and Off the Hill”. Our programs are overseen by Church Council and implemented through an active Committee structure. Music is, and always has always been, an integral part of our weekly worship. Our esteemed Music Director leads a Chancel Choir, plus an award winning community-based Junior Choir. Since our inception 66 years ago, we have flourished as a congregation, guided by a series of outstanding Ministers, valuing justice, inclusivity, peace and contributing positively to local and global issues. We are seeking an individual with a strong theological background, excellent preaching skills and experience in worship design and leadership. Pastoral Care, Faith Formation & Christian Education, as well as Community Outreach are also key components of our ministry. Our Community of Faith Profile is available on United Church ChurchHub. Our FaceBook page, as well as our website,, provide an excellent overview of our church activities. Interested applicants are asked to enquire and access information regarding the position on ChurchHub at, or forward a cover letter and resumé to
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